
Oficialmente detesto MTV :: Officially I hate MTV

Demasiado. Café Tacvba se iba a presentar en las Lunas del Auditorio y en los premios MTV en fechas muy cercanas, por lo que los genios que organizan los premios decidieron retirar la "invitación" a Cafe Tacvba para tocar durante los mismos... lo cual da risa si nos ponemos a ver que Café Tacvba mas bien estaba haciendo un gran favor a MTV presentándose en sus nefastos premios. Que por cierto a MTV ya no le queda nada de Music Television, desde hace rato debería llamarse algo así como Teenage Reality TV. Ya ni la presentación de The Cure (que si se presenta es porque da tres conciertos en el DF por las mismas fechas) salva a los dichosos premios.


This time it was too much. Cafe Tacvba, one of the greatest mexican bands (ever) was going to play at the latin american MTV awards and at the Lunas del Auditorio award ceremony at Auditorio Nacional. I say "was" because now they're only playing at the Lunas, because MTV "cleverly" took away the invitation they had given to Cafe Tacvba for playing at Auditorio on a near date, something completely ridiculous since it was Cafe Tacvba who was doing MTV a huge favor playing in their crappy awards. MTV by the way, at least in Mexico, should have long ago changed their name, since there is nothing left of "Music Television". It should be called Teenage Reality TV or something of the sort. Not even the fact that The Cure is playing during the awards (who are playing only because they are giving three concerts on very near dates in Mexico City) saves the damn awards

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